Shocking study , must read ……How sub-conscious mind programmed negatively

I would like to share one my case studies:-

Recently , one divorced lady aged about 37, working in a private company , living separately as single, met me for examining her Energy centres (Chakras) through Kirlian Photography after noticing my sharing in Face Book. I examined her Energy and interpreted about Aura level, Chakra Alignment, Stress level,Health Status and Functional conditions of Organs and Systems etc.

While analyzing her chakras I observed her  positive and negative factors.

Positive factors found:-
She is good in Goal manifestation, Creativity, Communication, Leadership, Planning ,Will Power, Love and good spiritual power.

Negative factors found:-
No clarity of thoughts ,insecured feel, Fear, Depression, Guilty and inadequate sex ,no peace and Money obsession and absent mind.

My Observations during Counseling session :-
After interpretation, At the time of counseling , I observed that She did not sleep well which affects her health also and I was told that her colleagues insisting her for dating and she was crying “why they are behaving like this”. Even a lady also offered…….

Then I found that she addicted to porn movies in cellphone before she gets sleep which drags to 2 am in the night sometimes it goes up to 4 am also.

Finally I explained why she is not able to concentrate on career, family and health . How porn movies affect her health and career, advised to get remarriage and stay with their parents after re- programing her sub-concious mind

Sub-Conscious mind does not know good or bad, positive or negative. Whatever we plant in to it ,it grows which is known by most of the persons who familiar with power of subconscious mind.

In this case, that lady spent most of her living hours that too before sleep ( sub conscious mind always open  before sleep and after wake up time) by watching porn movies so that the thought process always occupied her subconscious mind strongly. If any opposite sex or similar sex (Lesbianism) person’s sex energy attract that lady’s sex energy deliberately or non-deliberately when she interacts with them. This is power of subconscious mind. Better cultivate always good thoughts.
Like attracts like, Love attracts Love like that.

Note:- This is highly confidential report so I don’t want to reveal her name and her Energy report. But sharing is for the purpose of creating awareness about how excessive focus on sex feeling spoils one’s career. .

Energ Elango K


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