The Human Body function Vs. Symphony orchestra

The Human Body function Vs. Symphony orchestra

The working of all the organs and systems is regulated by the central nervous system (CNS) and the autonomic nervous system (ANS).
It is possible to draw an analogy between the working of the body and the playing of a symphony orchestra. The finest movements of dozens of people in the orchestra are in total harmony, they are following the same part and respond sensitively to the tiniest direction from the conductor. You could single out the viola or oboe part, and they would sound like part of one beautiful melody.

It is the same in the body: each organ and each system plays its role, but they are all following one rhythm, one autonomous control.

But then one of the violins loses the rhythm, falling out of time with the overall control system. This goes unnoticed by the untrained ear, and only an experienced listener will hear the wrong note. The melody will sound, but the greater the number of instruments which fall out of line with the control system, the stronger and more noticeable the dissonance will be, until finally even the most uneducated listener will start to wince and slowly creep out of the concert hall.

This analogy can be applied to the working of the body. As long as all systems and organs are working in harmony, in unison, following the same program, the body is at its optimal functioning level.

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Bio-Well professional

Note: Practicing Meditation regularly will strengthen your Autonomic Nervous system (Sub-conscious level) of the Body which resonate with Universal Energy level

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